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This class is required of all juniors unless they are enrolled in IB History of the Americas or Basic 20th Century History. This course begins with events and conditions immediately preceding the Civil War. Civil War causation, events, outcomes and Reconstruction form the framework for America’s emergence into the 20th century. Students explore the role of the United States on the world stage beginning with events leading to the Civil War and ending with America’s role in the war on terrorism. Included in this emphasis is a constant and continuous application of current events.


We will begin with a quick overview of early American History, the Revolutionary War, and how vital documents from that time impacted later events.  The focus will then shift to analyzing major conflicts and periods of dramatic change that shape the United States.  As a conclusion to the class, you will analyze current events during your own lifetime.  Below is an approximate timeline of the course—depending on learning speeds and pacing, we may or may not reach certain events in the specified quarter. History is not necessarily linear; sometimes it is wibbly, wobbly, timey, wimey stuff.


Quarter 1- Civil War to Reconstruction

Quarter 2- Post Reconstruction to WWI

Quarter 3- WWII to Civil Rights

Quarter 4- Cold War to the Present 

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